I am quite skilled at collecting stuff that I have absolutely no use for and then finding random places to store it until it starts to feel as if all the stuff is beginning to smother me and I finally break down and get organized.
And Hubs has eight junk drawers. This does not help.
I struggle with getting rid of anything. I don't want to throw it away if it's still usable, but I procrastinate on actually doing what's required to sell or donate it. And then there's the stuff that I really want to keep and I really want to use... but let's face it... I've had this junk for more than a year and it's still sitting in the same box in the same spot in the corner of my bedroom where I set it down the night I brought it home. I just can't admit to myself that it's time to LET GO! I'M NEVER GOING TO USE IT!
Things I've accumulated that it's time to say goodbye to:
One box of pre-designed scrapbook layout pages.
One HP photo printer.
Several random frames that I'll never use 'cause I'm anal and they don't match.
One huge bag of "fat" clothes that I keep meaning to take to the Good Will. (This bag has been sitting in my closet for months!)
One computer that I've held onto "just in case." I think the damn thing is broke, so I'm not sure how it would come in handy should my beloved laptop ever crap out on me (knock on wood).
One stereo that I've had since I was all of 16 years old. It holds a lot of memories, this stereo. I bought it when I was "in love" and had just started listening to country music. The first CD I played was Jo Dee Messina's I'm Alright. This stereo has seen me through a lot. A broken heart and later, true love. A big move. A new apartment when all we had was Hubs' old sofa (more fond memories) and a TV that sat on a dining room chair. We've come a long way.
On second thought, I'm not getting rid of the stereo. In fact, why is it buried in my closet?
Now that I think about it, why has my closet become the burial ground for all my unused crap? This has got to stop.
1 comment:
You want help? I have been waiting here for you to help me with the garage. oh well sigh
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