I'm especially glad to have completed this one because not only was it a total eyesore but it was impossible to hide away like I do so many other things that I don't like or have use for.
Two Christmases ago, I bought Hubs paint in the Minnesota Vikings colors. They accompanied a giant Vikings Fathead. I had grand visions of painting the wall in our den and thought Hubs would go crazy for a whole Vikings Wall.
Well, he loved the Fathead, but the paint sat and sat. Finally, I decided to go for it. I painted a hard-to-explain-in-this-post strip in the middle of the den. The outermost part I painted gold and the middle was painted purple.
It turned out to be incredibly hard to paint. The paint bled underneath the painters tape and I was constantly doing touch-ups when I finally got frustrated and quit. The paint job was terrible, but I was so upset that I never went back to fix it.
On Saturday, I finally decided I was going to do it. And do it right. So, I made an attempt. Then I made another. At this point, I was trying to make it look right. I still thought the idea was interesting.
It was in the middle of the third attempt that I put the gold paint down, grabbed my purse, and went to Home Depot, where I picked up some primer and some white paint.
There is no more purple and gold paint in our home. I'm afraid it just wasn't meant to be.
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